residency +
project space
for out

South wall: 2.4m high x 3.35m wide (8’ x 11’).
East wall: 2.4m high x 3.65m wide (8’ x 12’).
Footprint: ≈ 12m²
Outside is a purpose built art space for exploring ideas that would otherwise not be possible indoors, either because it would be dangerous (such as working with fire or smoke), excessively messy (such as working with sprayed water or mud), or more appropriate (such as working with the weather).
While it is not a prescriptive space, broadly, and without prejudice or limitation, Outside is a philosophical and critical platform for the presentation of new art-works examining the relationship between human beings and the rest of nature, with particular emphasis on:
the implications of mortality.
the psychology, substance and culture of materials.
human potency, imagination and aliveness.
The aims of Outside are:
to seek revelations on how to resist nihilism and artifice in the face of anthropogenic senescence.
to articulate a relevant, timely language of resistance against negative-agency.
to promote the elevation of humanity towards stewardship, acceptance, potency and the divine.
to operate in accordance with the tenets of the 12 knots of will.
Open call for artists of any kind, including, but not limited to visual artists, poets, sculptors and installationists, cooks, doctors, musicians, film makers, scientists, designers, performers, engineers, writers, witches. If you consider yourself an artist in your line of work, you may apply. If you’re unsure, apply anyway.
Residencies, which includes free accommodation, last from a few days to a few weeks, or more by negotiation. There are no expectations, other than to engage with the situation before you. If you need to sleep, then sleep. If you need to make work, then make work. The gallery is available for finished work, experimentation, reflection.
All projects at Outside begin with discussion.
Use this contact form to introduce your work.
More info
Outside gallery: orientation and sun arc.
Outside was built by Mark Rayner and Graeme Walker in 2021 out of materials that can be reused for other projects. It is a non-profit organisation and is non-transactional: no money is charged for its use, no money is given.
The gallery strongly encourages work that uses recycled, repurposed, found and otherwise non-virgin materials and media. Many tools are available for the creation of your work. This and any requirements you may have can be discussed along with your proposal.
Outside is located next to a fabulous, inspiring garden, rolling hills and predominantly arable agriculture. There are woods and chalk and flints the size of heads and water running clear as air. It is a gentle, peaceful place.