A sponge, a bucket, of water and its ways
An image treasury curated by Graeme Walker

A curated, free to use, public domain or “no known copyright” collection of 1030 images of columns throughout history, derived from The Internet Archive’s Book Images account on Flickr.
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Notes ~ Oceans, seas, waves, coasts, rivers, lakes, puddles, ponds, waterfalls, rain, snow, boilers, boats, harbours, fish and birds; a life of water, its ways and agency, flowing through time, through history, for your pleasure. When perusing the visual museum of our human interaction with water, I am amazed at the variety of ways it has been seen through the centuries, and represented. I realise too, that I have barely skimmed the surface of available imagery and may, in due course, add further images to the collection, of sailors and fishermen, of cetacean and medusa, of bathrooms, kitchens, standpipes and water butts. I may too add images of deserts, of drought, of drink and drinkers. In the mean time, I hope you enjoy this mostly literal, occasionally this cascade of matters wet. I pray you remain, gentle reader, uninundated.
Graeme Walker, August 2022.