75 Upturned Tables

This page includes sketches, studies, works in progress, and finished works (marked with an *).
In 2014 I shared a studio with Cat Fletcher in Brighton. Her speciality is in redistributing unwanted items of every kind. She took in a shipment of unwanted tables from a local primary school and I took the opportunity to photograph their undersides, where successive children had, over many years, left their expressive mark. Always working in the blind and often from multiple angles by multiple hands, I love the textures and energy of the unwitting art-works. Sometimes these marks are smears, cleaning hands perhaps, but other times attempts are made at drawings. The occasional signature suggests that at times a child will have been under the table itself.
I’ve uploaded this sketchbook as a reminder of how joyous expression is essential and innate. The animation above, of all 75 tables, serves to amplify this.